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Certificates from AWS Certificate Manager cannot be used directly on EC2 instances. You'll need to:
- create an Application Load Balancer
- apply the certificate to the ALB
- route traffic from the ALB to your back-end EC2 instance
The following are possible causes of insecure HTTPS connections when using certificates from AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).
You can receive a certificate error message if:
1/ The certificate isn't valid for the name of the server.
2/ The certificate is expired.
3/ The SSL/TLS certificate for the website isn't trusted.
4/ Your connection is not fully secured.
For details, please see https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/acm-certificate-error-https/
Public ACM certificates can be installed on Amazon EC2 instances that are connected to a Nitro Enclave, but not to other Amazon EC2 instances. For information about setting up a standalone web server on an Amazon EC2 instance not connected to a Nitro Enclave,
https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-lamp-amazon-linux-2.html https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/install-LAMP.html
To create Application Load Balancer, please refer here
Please refer Attach certificate to Load balancer
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It's what I did , create a load balancer with the certificate and create a route 53 from ec2 to load balancing without https , all is working just my connection is not secure and with SSL protocol , I received the picture I sent