A server error occurs when using Research and Engineering Studio.


Hello, I am a junior in-house AWS developer. I am currently a junior-level developer, and there are only two people on the team, my colleague and I, and there is no one with AWS experience to ask for advice, so I am leaving this post here.

Please help me as I earnestly ask for help in this difficult situation. Currently through the link below


Research and Engineering Studio has been deployed successfully. However, when I try to use Virtual DeskTop after connecting via DNS, I only see a Server Error message. Enter image description here

We are having difficulty knowing where and how to check and resolve the Server Error in this area.

If anyone has used Research and Engineering Studio or knows the concept, it would be of great help to us if you could provide a solution or a link.

Please help. Thank you very much for reading this long post.

asked 3 months ago203 views
1 Answer

At very high level here are some reasons you might see a "Server Error" message:

1/ Incorrect parameters: If any of the parameters during the deployment were incorrect, you might need to delete and redeploy the RES environment.

2/ Networking or Active Directory mismatch: Confirm that your networking and Active Directory configuration matches what's required by AWS. This includes verifying that your infrastructure instances have successfully joined the Active Directory.

3/ CloudFormation stack deletion error: If there's an error with a dependent object when deleting the CloudFormation stack, it could prevent the environment from being deleted. This might happen if you launched an EC2 instance into a RES-created subnet or security group using the AWS console.

If you're still facing issues, I recommend referring to the AWS documentation on Installation issues for troubleshooting steps. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/res/latest/ug/installation-issues.html

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago

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