I am unable to install AWS Greengrass on my Ubuntu Touch OS phone.


I want to install AWS Greengrass on my Ubuntu Touch OS phone. It is a Google Pixel 3a phone that has ubuntu touch OS as the operating system. We are able to access the terminal from the phone. I am getting the error, "Unable to set up Nucleus as a system service". I also tried to install greengrass as a docker container. Even that is not happening. Please provide me any suggestions on how to continue further.

1 Answer

Hi, Touch OS phone uses upstart and not systemd. Like systemd, you can use upstart to start Greengrass, and respawn it in case of failure.

I would advice to first test to start Greengrass manually. Assuming the installation went Ok up to the point where you got the Unable to set up Nucleus as a system service error, you can try starting Greengrass via the following command:

java -Xms$MIN_HEAP_SIZE -Xmx$MAX_HEAP_SIZE -Droot=$GGC_ROOT_PATH -Dlog.store=$LOG_STORE -jar $NUCLEUS_PATH/Greengrass.jar

Note: HEAP_SIZE values are only suggestions - you might need to change them based on your system

answered 2 years ago

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