Is it possible to force PostGres Database from 9.6.23 to 10.x even though receiving a must be upgraded to 12 or higher?


Is it possible to force PostGres Database from 9.6.23 to 10.x even though receiving a must be upgraded to 12 or higher? Message: "The RDS for PostgreSQL 9.6 end-of-life date is approaching. Your database is using a version that must be upgraded to 12 or higher as soon as possible. We plan to automatically upgrade RDS for PostgreSQL 9.6 databases to 12 starting April 26, 2022."

1 Answer

Version 12 is the version AWS is advising you to upgrade to. Here is a list that show valid upgrade paths. Scroll down about a quarter of the way down to see the list.

answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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