Server Crash/ WebSocket is invalid


I just updated gamelift and Unreal to the lastest version and when I start the UE5 server I got server crash error. There's no log I can see anywhere so I tried running the server in EC2 linux and I got this instead:

Failed to init GameLiftConnection to GameLift websocket server due to invalid websocket URL.

Any clue on how can I debug this?

asked a year ago317 views
5 Answers

Upon closer inspection, it's still running on Amazon AL1. Could this be the problem?

I tried to change building fleet with --operating-system AMAZON_LINUX_2023 but I got:

An error occurred (InvalidRequestException) when calling the CreateBuild operation: The Amazon Linux 2023 operating system is not supported with GameLift SDK version under 5.0.

I built the window's dll and linux's sh plugin with GameLiftServerSDK-5.1.1. Where else do I need to upgraded this?

answered a year ago


You might check the URL of the WebSocket used to connect to your game server.

//Define the server parameters FServerParameters serverParameters; parameters.m_authToken = "1111aaaa-22bb-33cc-44dd-5555eeee66ff"; parameters.m_fleetId = "arn:aws:gamelift:us-west-1:111122223333:fleet/fleet-9999ffff-88ee-77dd-66cc-5555bbbb44aa"; parameters.m_hostId = "HardwareAnywhere"; parameters.m_processId = "PID1234"; parameters.m_webSocketUrl = "wss://";

//Call InitSDK to establish a local connection with the GameLift agent to enable further communication. FGameLiftGenericOutcome initSdkOutcome = gameLiftSdkModule->InitSDK(serverParameters);


answered a year ago

I don't get it. Does this URL normally set itself when uploading the game through GameLift? Could this raised problems because I tried test-running this in normal EC2, not though gamelift fleet?

Is there any way to see the log when the server crashed after activating in Gamelift?

Sorry for so many questions. Been using this for years and I never seen it crashes like this. This is inly because I updated from Unreal 4.6 to Unreal5.3.

ps. It's pretty wierd that it still said that I use Amazon Al1 OS when I already upgraded to the latest Gamelift Plugin..

answered a year ago


When creating a GameLift build, make sure to specify the correct GameLiftServerSDK version that you are using with your server. Otherwise, GameLift won't know how to correctly setup your Managed EC2's infrastructure, especially with a jump in major version from SDK 4 to SDK 5.

Additionally, if the server is crashing locally, there should be a way to enable crash dumps in Unreal to see what is happening. A common occurrence we've seen is customers using a different OpenSSL version for building the GameLiftServerSDK than what Unreal 5 uses for it's net code, or that the OpenSSL libraries they built with aren't included in their build.

Lastly, if your Managed EC2 server crashes, you can sign into the EC2 instance to view your logs directly.

Hope that helps!

answered a year ago

I used sdk5 to build the thing but it won't let me choose Linux 2023. So I had to use Linux 2 instead

answered a year ago

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