Create new instance to install WordPress in EC2.


My web developer want to go to EC2 and create a new instance so can install WordPress into it.

But he is getting the wrror message:

"The AMI ID (...) is not valid. The AMI may or maybe specific to another account or region."

I live in Australia. My web developer lives in Sri Lanka. He asked me to give him the password for the root account but I refused. PLEASE HELP! I am person with terminal medical condition.

  • Could you please specify which AMI did you try to use, and in which AWS region?

asked a year ago305 views
1 Answer


You can use any AMI in any region of your choice for the EC2 instance, and install WordPress on it.
If you are residing in Australia and want to serve your users there, you can ask your Web developer to switch region to ap-southeast-4, and then create an EC2 instance with an AMI of your choice. Please follow this guide [1] to achieve so.

Also, sharing the Root Account password is highly discouraged, especially if you're working with developers or third-party service providers.
Instead, you can create a new user [2] with the necessary permissions and provide those credentials to your web developer.



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answered a year ago

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