AWS Codebuild, run builds in parallel



I am using this config in a buildspec, but builds are still run sequentially:

version: 0.2
      - pwd
      - ls -la
    - echo "hi world" && sleep 50
    - echo "hey" && sleep 10
    - echo "hey" && sleep 20
      fast-fail: true
        - identifier: build1
        - identifier: build2
        - identifier: build3

What have I missed?

Thank you

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

OK, I found an answer. I need to use build matrix instead of build list. Then every echo will be running in parallel.

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answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 7 months ago


Batch cannot be defined in the build section. You might see something like this in the build logs

In the section BUILD
  The following keys cannot be identified:

You build spec needs to be like below (some env variables added to verify the build stages)

version: 0.2
      fast-fail: true
      - identifier: build1
            STAGE: build1
      - identifier: build2
            STAGE: build2
      - identifier: build3
            STAGE: build3
      - pwd
      - ls -la
    - echo "hi world" && sleep 50
    - echo "hey" && sleep 10
    - echo "$STAGE" && sleep 20
    - echo "$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"

Also you need to setup the batch configuration details for the build project and / or enable concurrency as well ( I could not verify the concurrency part). You would then have the details shown in the Batch history tab


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answered 2 years ago
  • In this case I will have 3 batches, that will run the same commands: - echo "hi world" && sleep 50 - echo "hey" && sleep 10 - echo "$STAGE" && sleep 20 - echo "$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"

    But I want, that one batch run - echo "hey" && sleep 10 and another run - echo "$STAGE" && sleep 20 at the same time, is it possible?

  • About concurrency part, I need to contact AWS support to increase the concurrent build limit, as default is 1.

  • Also, batch can be defined in the build section. I just use my first script above and I don't choose any batch configuration detail. There are no errors, but commands are running in sequence.

  • But I want, that one batch run - echo "hey" && sleep 10 and another run - echo "$STAGE" && sleep 20 at the same time, is it possible?

    i dont think batch is designed for that. If you have mutiple environments / environment variables for which you need to run identical commands you use batch.

    Also, batch can be defined in the build section. I just use my first script above and I don't choose any batch configuration detail. There are no errors, but commands are running in sequence.

    It wont throw up any errors but within the build logs you would see the log snippet i mentioned in the previous comment. That's what i got in my logs. It's essentially ignoring the batch section.

  • "i dont think batch is designed for that. If you have mutiple environments / environment variables for which you need to run identical commands you use batch"

    I have a few docker build commands in my buildspec. I have docker build -t 1 and docker build -t 2. My goal was to run them in parallel just to reduce the build time. Is that possible?

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