Communicate between different private networks


I have two ec2 instances(Windows VM and linux openvpn server) running in the same subnet.

For simplification, security group configured allows all traffic for inbound and outbound rules.

I have disabled windows defender firewall in Windows VM. Security groups for windows is also configured to allow all traffic for both inbound and outbound.

I have a kali machine setup on my local which connects to openvpn server as a client. Although windows is not connected to openvpn server as a client but can ping as they are in same subnet allowing all kinds of inbound and outbound traffic.

openvpn server assigns a CIDR block of to its VPN clients. Windows VM and openvpn server has private IP in CIDR block Windows and Openvpn server are not connected via VPN because they can ping each other as they are in the same subnet. How do I configure my openvpn server and windows to be able for the windows VM ping/communicate any machine with IP from VPN From windows VM to any machine on openvpn server VPN?

2 Answers

To enable communication between your Windows VM and the machines connected to the OpenVPN server with IPs in the range, you'll need to configure routing and potentially adjust the OpenVPN server settings. Here's how you can achieve this:

  1. On the OpenVPN server:

    • Enable IP forwarding by editing /etc/sysctl.conf and adding or uncommenting the line: net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
    • Apply the changes with: sudo sysctl -p
    • Add a route to the OpenVPN server's routing table to direct traffic for the subnet (where your Windows VM is) through the VPN interface
    • Modify the OpenVPN server configuration to push routes to clients, allowing them to reach the subnet
  2. On the Windows VM:

    • Add a static route to direct traffic for the network through the OpenVPN server's private IP address
  3. In your AWS VPC:

    • Ensure that the route table associated with your subnet has a route for pointing to the OpenVPN server's network interface
  4. On the OpenVPN clients (like your Kali machine):

    • The OpenVPN server should push the necessary routes, but you may need to add a route manually if it doesn't

After making these changes, your Windows VM should be able to communicate with machines on the network, and vice versa. Remember to restart the OpenVPN service after making configuration changes.

Keep in mind that while this setup allows communication, it's important to consider security implications and implement appropriate firewall rules and access controls to protect your network.
How to created bidirectional communication from my AWS to remote private network using OPENVPN server which located in AWS? | AWS re:Post
Connect your VPC to remote networks using AWS Virtual Private Network - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

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answered 11 days ago
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reviewed 11 days ago


Also disable "Source/destination checking" in the openvpn server's ENI.
Even if the routing settings are correct, unless you disable this setting, you will not be able to route to "" on EC2.

Source/destination checking
You can enable or disable source/destination checks, which ensure that the instance is either the source or the destination of any traffic that it receives. Source/destination checks are enabled by default. You must disable source/destination checks if the instance runs services such as network address translation, routing, or firewalls.

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answered 11 days ago
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reviewed 11 days ago

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