add only different file to s3 archive


I have an s3 bucket. I store there zip archive. I download this zip archive, unzip it, change some files then I zip it and upload back to s3. I'm just curious is it possible to upload not full zip archive but only files that was changed? for example I download zip from aws, change some file and I upload only this files, not full archive. Or is there any other way to optimize this scenario?

asked 2 years ago257 views
1 Answer

Hello, you can use CLI to make incremental updates to your zip archive. You can use the aws s3 sync command to download the zip archive, make the changes, and then upload only the modified files back to S3. Please refer to this man page

Another way-through, using a versioning feature for your bucket. This allows you to store multiple versions of an object and easily roll back to a previous version if necessary. Check this for more information

It's important to choose the one that best fits your specific use case and requirements.

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answered 2 years ago

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