Is this sufficient? - Terminating Free Tier Cloud Watch Service


Hi, I received 'Free Tier' expires soon E-mail Alert.

Under Bills section, I have 1 Active service which is CloudWatch Active Service - Cloudwatch (US East N.Virginia Region)

I have deleted Alarms and Logs as mentioned in this post. I also won't be using any metrics:

  • Alarms No alarms present

  • Logs No log groups created

  • Metrics - Under Metrics I have some items listed, but I won't be using them or sending the data anywhere Few Data under Metrics

Despite doing the above, under Bills section, cloudwatch is still shown as Active. (I have verified the Region as well)

**All the above steps that I have done, are they sufficient so as to not incur any charges? Has the CloudWatch service been terminated now? ** Please let me know.


  • I have exactly the same issues. Very confusing and ambiguous help articles.

1 Answer

You should also make sure you don't anything active in other regions. According to the pricing guide you can get charged for each Metrics that you have an alarm on.

This is something you can use AWS Support for, they helped me once to find a NAT I left running. They have the ability to look and tell you if you will be good or not.

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answered a year ago

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