Softphone failed errors



Posting this again as we are having the same issues even when people are already working at home.

We are currently bombarded with the "Softphone call failed" error and is significantly affecting our business operations.

These are the errors but sometimes it would just a blank page.

1.) Softphone call failed

  • Failed to establish softphone connection. Try again or contact your administrator with the
    Browser unable to establish media channel with

2.) Softphone call failed

Failed to establish softphone connection. Try again or contact your administrator with the following:

Browser connected but failed handshake with wss://

3.) Real-time communication error
Failed to establish your softphone connection. Try again or contact your administrator with the following:

Call failed due to a browser-side WebRTC issue.

We had this problem when we were still working in the office and now everyone when working at home. We never had any issues with our previous platform in regards to inbound and outbound traffic. Any help is appreciated.

Edited by: realcapone on May 4, 2020 7:52 AM

asked 4 years ago971 views
2 Answers

My first question would be is the client browser going through a VPN or internal network as this to me indicates that a firewall is blocking this as most of the signalling is via port 443 (https) which is usually allowed. But the UDP port (3478) need to be specifically opened.

answered 4 years ago

No VPN, everyone is at their own internal network for the moment.

As for opening of the 3478 port. This has been taken cared of. And even back when we were in the office but was still receiving the same set of errors. Thank you.

answered 4 years ago

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