Calculating discount distribution for Reserved Instances across Linked Accounts in AWS Organization


I have an organization with multiple linked accounts. Some of these linked accounts had RIs purchased before the migration to my organization. After the migration, I purchased some RIs through the organization, and this will be a frequent action. The RIs purchased by the linked accounts before the migration and the RIs I bought through the organization have been utilized by various linked accounts and reset monthly.

My question is: How can I extract the amount of discount each linked account is gaining for each RI I own in the organization (including those purchased by the linked accounts)?

In summary, I would like to know the exact discount generation each RI is producing for each account.

Example of what I would like to know:

RI for service XPTW purchased by the organization generated the following discounts: Linked Account A: $100 Linked Account B: $200 Linked Account C: $50

RI for service XPTY purchased by linked account A generated the following discounts: Linked Account A: $100 Linked Account C: $50

RI for service XPTO purchased by linked account A generated the following discounts: Linked Account A: $100

1 Answer

You can use RI Utilization report to gain insights on what and how much RIs has been applied to which account. If you want to know which instance under which account has been covered by which RI, you can query the Cost and Usage Report. Here is a sample query that that you can use to start with. CUDOS dashboard also provides some analysis in graphics under "RI/SP Summary".

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

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