aws ses receipt rules for routing email to an existing email address


I have a domain registered with amazon route 53 (imagine, and a workmail email based on that domain (imagine I'm trying to create extra email addresses for this domain (imagine and I came across this article which explains that the way to do this is by using SES' receipt rules. In SES my domain ( is verified and has the appropriate SES MX record, and I've added the workmail email ( as a verified email address. I've followed the steps to create the receipt rule, specify and as the receipt conditions, create the sns topic, and I've successfully subscribed to the sns topic. However, when I send emails to and, nothing arrives in my workmail mailbox. What else do I need to do? How can I debug this?

1 Answer


If you want to receive mail in WorkMail you do not have to do anything in other services. You can all manage this from the WorkMail console. If you want to create multiple mailboxes for the support and info email addresses you can add extra users. You can also add extra email addresses to the user that uses hello@. Check this documentation page for more information on email addresses for users.

Kind regards, Robin

answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks Robin. The problem is that workmail is expensive, that's why I"m considering other options. Any ideas for ways to fix the lack of delivery to the forwarding email as described in my post? I've tried using a non-workmail email too without any luck.

  • Hi,

    If you want a single mailbox to receive mail on multiple email addresses you can use email aliases. In the WorkMail console you can add this to any user you have enabled. You can also create resource mailboxes for these users as resource mailboxes are free.

    Kind regards, Robin

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