Can GameLift VPC peering be configured to only add permissions to specific security groups instead of all groups in the VPC?


When using CreateVcpPeeringAuthorization() to grant GameLift servers access to resources in my GameLift management account, I give the account and the VPC ID. As the fleet is created it's currently adding four (in my setup, not sure if that's always the case) incoming and four outgoing rules allowing all traffic on all ports to every security group in my VPC.

Is there any way to designate a specific security group to be modified, or even better, specify the exact rules for traffic I want to allow?

Additionally, why are so many GameLift security groups added as sources, would each fleet not only need one group?

asked a year ago252 views
1 Answer

Apologies for the delayed reply on this question.

Currently there is no way to customize which rules get added to which security group during peering with the GameLift VPC. GameLift will attempt to add rules giving each of the fleet VPC's security groups access to your VPC. Please feel free to create a support case if this is a feature request you’d like the service team to evaluate. Thank you!

answered a year ago

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