OpenSearch SNS Destination Support for Alerting


When I use OpenSearch v1.0 (R20211203-P2 - latest as of 1/30/22), I have the SNS Destination available to me (for alerting notifications). In v1.1 (again latest as of 1/30/22), I don't see SNS as Destination - only the usual Elasticsearch ones are available I'm confused because documentation says SNS as Destination is available if I use OpenSearch v1.1 (again to clarify, I'm not using Elasticsearch BUT OpenSearch). Any insights?

1 Answer

Hi there, thank you for providing your valuable feedback about the service. This issue was identified and fixed in OpenSearch v1.1. You should now be able to see SNS in the destination options. As an alternative you can also use APIs to create a SNS destination and add the SNS destination to a trigger which has had no issues. Hope this helps!

answered 3 years ago
  • On managed OpenSearch v1.1 P5, we still do not have an option for SNS as an alert destination. Has this definitely been patched out or is there still some sort of lingering issue?

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