Using IAM Roles within AWS WorkSpaces (Windows)


Anyone able to find a way to use IAM roles in AWS WorkSpaces?

asked 3 years ago1147 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

The AWS CLI supports fetching credentials via SAML with AWS SSO, or directly. If your SAML IdP is configured to do seamless federation with Windows, then the user won't see a prompt for credentials (though they may see a window pop-up while the SAML federation occurs).

The AWS CLI via SAML requires an explicit AssumeRoleWithSAML call, while the AWS CLI with AWS SSO (including using another IdP to federate to it) will automatically manage credentials.

These docs may help:

Hope this helps.


answered 3 years ago

Hello! For additional information regarding IAM roles with WorkSpaces, this link might be helpful

answered 3 years ago
  • Hi Francisco - That's IAM Roles to manage WorkSpaces through the administrative interfaces, but not providing IAM Roles/credentials within the WorkSpace itself. I interpreted the question as needing credentials within the WorkSpace.

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