Can you use wildcards in S3 Lifecycle rule Prefix as a filter when moving objects?

  1. I would like to create a Lifecycle Rule using the Prefix filter to move all Folders starting with the word 'FULL' from one storage type to another type and would like to know if this would work: host/sid/FULL or do I need to use a wildcard: host/sid/FULL% or host/sid/FULL*

  2. I have multiple sid folders like these in the same S3 bucket so do I have to create multiple lifecycle rules to do the same or can I do this: host/*/FULL

Note: There are many objects in each FULL* folder and we want all to be moved so that is why we are specifying rule as a folder level. No object tags or key names are created/used.

Thank you

asked a year ago6391 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

No, aesterisk as a wildcard in S3 Lifecycle rule Prefix can't be used.

However I understand your use case, you should consider tag based filtering, where you can apply some common tag to those objects inside those commonly named folders and then create lifecycle rules on basis of tag instead of prefix(leaving prefix blank).

If that's not a feasible workaround, then you would need to create lifecycle rule for each of those prefix.

Hope you find it useful.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • Thanks for your advise secondabhi_aws


I don't think S3 object keys can use wildcards.
This is because the asterisk is not treated as a wildcard, but as a valid special character, as described in the following document.

So if you want to move things within a specific folder, you will need to create a lifecycle rule for each folder.

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answered a year ago
  • Thank you Riku for the advise.

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