Workspaces Group Policy configuration template for WSP


Does Workspaces Streaming Protocol (WSP) have any GPO templates similar to PCoIP? Like the ability to disable USB drive redirection through the AWS Workspace client?

asked 4 years ago1232 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

WSP WorkSpaces does have GPO templates. You can install it from a running Windows WorkSpace, make a copy of the wsp.admx and wsp.adml files in the C:\Program Files\Amazon\WSP directory.

Currently you can only control:

  • Configure Printer Support for WSP Enable or Disable Clipboard

  • Redirection for WSP Enable or Disable Video-In Redirection for WSP

  • Enable or Disable Audio-In Redirection for WSP Disable Time Zone

  • Redirection for WSP Enable or Disable Smart Card Redirection for WSP

  • Enable or Disable Disconnect Session on Screen Lock for WSP

profile pictureAWS
answered 4 years ago

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