AWS beanstalk can't update environment


In our node js backend we had to install chromium, which cannot be installed via package.json. After some work we somehow managed to make it work on deploy with these scripts:

To install chromium: sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel -y sudo yum install chromium -y

To execute the previous script we put the following file under .ebextensions: files: "/opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/pre/": mode: "000755" owner: root group: root content: | #!/usr/bin/env bash /var/app/current/

"/var/app/current/": mode: "000755" owner: root group: root content: | #!/usr/bin/env bash sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel -y sudo yum install chromium -y

container_commands: 01_add_execute_permission: command: "chmod +x /var/app/current/" 02_run_install_script: command: "/var/app/current/"

The problem we face now is that this does not work when we try to update the environment, like for instance when we try to update the environment variables, because apparently the process is different

asked a year ago35 views
1 Answer


In order to troubleshoot your platform hook and .ebextensions config files, I would like to recommend you to share the log from your EB environment.

You can get logs by following instructions from our official document [1], or accessing to EC2 instances directly and checking log files under '/var/log' path.

Also, hook file under '"/opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/pre' path executes before the deployment of your application, so please consider other hook files.


AWS Support

[1] Viewing logs from Amazon EC2 instances in your Elastic Beanstalk environment

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answered 9 days ago

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