Lightsail DNS won't resolve


Setting up Lightsail Word Press multi-site. Domain purchased through Route 53. Lightsail is managing my DNS zone. I have a static IP, and DNS zone setup after following these directions.

I was able to see the WP management console while browsing using the IP address. After I added the domain and DNS zone I can't connect to the site using the domain name or the static IP Address. I can connect via the terminal or putty. It's been over 24 hours since I setup my DNS and DNS zone. Here I ran nslookup: nslookup

Server: Address:

** server can't find NXDOMAIN The address shown when running nslookup was not my static IP address. (I obfuscated what was displayed, but it started with 127.

Any suggestions how I can fix this?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Is there a record in the DNS zone for the domain ""?
The IP address of "" seems to be set to "".
Perhaps you have not set up a CNAME record called "".

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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