Simple S3 Static Website Hosting question / Problem


Hello, I am helping a young landscaper with creating his own website for his brand new business. I paid for a domain name at a 3rd party site and then connected my AWS account using the nameservice / roune 53. I orginally created 2 S3 buckets a bucket as the domain name (with a redirect to the sub domain) and a second subdomain S3 bucket with the html, objects etc.

I decided to simplify it by just moving the top S3 bucket to be the hosting bucket (so just 1 bucket), so I turned off the "Redirect requests for an object to another bucket" and turned on "Host a static website". Does changing this status take a long time ? I did it yesterday and the URL for the website just spins ?

Thank you

asked 10 months ago275 views
2 Answers

If the redirect was a 301 it’s tattooed into the browser. It will never clear/change unless you reset/your browser.

This will be applicable to anyone who’s hit the site. There’s no reverting the 301 system wise once a user has hit it. It’s all client based after that point.

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answered 10 months ago

Thank you Gary !

answered 10 months ago

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