I don't have access to quicksight


Hi team,

I had access to quicksight but now when I'm in there are a phrase it say I don't have access to visual because the data is restricted. Could you set and updated to has access. Until now I have it.

Thank you .

asked 2 years ago299 views
1 Answer

It seems like your admin need to update the RLS rules so that you would have no access restriction, Please refer [1] for more information.

Also, it can be that underlying datasource is not shared. Hence, I recommend the underlying datasource be shared by following the mentioned below steps.

Share a datasource:

  1. In your QuickSight console, click on the ‘Datasets’ menu from the left hand side column
  2. Click 'New dataset' (top-right corner)
  3. Scroll down to the 'From Existing Data Sources' section and click on the relevant datasource
  4. Choose ‘Share datasource’ and then click on ‘Invite users’
  5. Enter the email address of the user that wants to edit the SQL query and select the user name from the drop down that appears
  6. Under 'Permission', select 'Owner' and then click 'Share'

[1] Creating dataset rules for row-level security: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/quicksight/latest/user/restrict-access-to-a-data-set-using-row-level-security.html#create-data-set-rules-for-row-level-security

answered 2 years ago

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