Cannot connect to my RDS (MySQL) from my local PC - Security Groups already configured properly


I have created my RDS (MySQL) instance and its status has been "availble". I have also done below:

  1. Selected "Publiclly accessible" from the "Public Access" section in the "Modify Instance" page;
  2. Modified its Security Groups to add inbound rule for "" for port 3306.

However, after above, I still cannot connect to the RDS from my Local PC at all.. nothing to do with credentials... The RDS server is still not allowing any connection to the port 3306. Can anyone give me some guidance?

On the other hand, I have been able to connect to the RDS from my EC2 instance (Ubuntu) using mysql command line.

asked a year ago465 views
2 Answers

Hi, I would suggest you to telnet to the ip address of your machine with port 3306 and see if your tcp session gets established on this session. You should use -d (debug) option with telnet to better see if tcp session is established.

So, telnet -d -p 3306 <ip address> should allow you to clear both routing and sec group issues.

See for more details about debugging tcp with telnet

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

Hi, this is Abhi from AWS. This article provides troubleshooting steps to resolve problems when connecting to an Amazon RDS DB instance.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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