About Simple Email Service V2 API default message size quota


Hello. I'm currently using Simple Email Service(SES) v2 api. I've heard and saw the news about increasing default quota of sending message size when using SES v2 api. But sadly I'm still confronting the same issue with send over 10MB email through SES v2 api.

Do I have to request for increasing default message size quota?

Thank you.

asked a year ago300 views
1 Answer

If you are using the SES V2 API (or by SMTP), then the maximum message size, after base-64 encoding is 40MB, you do not need to do anything further. This limit is also not adjustable. Refer to https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/quotas.html

You mention that you are still limited to 10MB, in that case verify again that you are indeed using the SES V2 API, and that your encoded message size does not exceed 40MB. If you still have difficulty after that - open a support case with AWS Support at https://console.aws.amazon.com/support

answered a year ago
  • Thanks a lot. I've been testing SES v2 API with file size larger than 40MB file. Thought I was testing with 30MB size file, but I wasn't. Anyway thanks for the reply

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