AppFlow Hubspot Connection not updating the token



I have setup the hubspot connection in the AppFlow with all required scopes configured as per After configuring the flow and running it, I have noticed that after some time the ingestion fails and I am getting 401 from HubSpot. The logs on the HubSpot show that the token timed out. To fix it I need to edit connection and re-submit userid and the secret.

AppFlow establishes the initial connection with ClientId and Secret however after the first token expired, AppFlow is not renewing it.

asked 2 years ago367 views
1 Answer

We're facing the same issue, the oauth2 request is missing two scopes required for the data import, these scopes are:


both scopes are declared in the documentation ( but missing from the URL for authorizing the application:<redacted>&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2F<region><redacted>

Wonder if as a workaround we can create the connector, copy the url of the authorization window, add the missing scopes and complete Oauth2 with these missing scopes

answered a year ago

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