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Run python file, it is on the Windows EC2 instance when lambda triggering


I am currently working on a client project that involves a Windows EC2 instance and a Lambda function on the same AWS account.

My task is to ensure that when the Lambda function is triggered, a Python file on the EC2 instance is executed, and all output can be viewed through CloudWatch logs using Python.

Is anyone here to guide me?

asked a year ago535 views
1 Answer

One way I can think to do this is simply to make the lambda function place a message into an SQS Queue. Then from the Windows instance, consume messages from the queue using one of our SDKs (such as the .NET SDK -

On receiving the appropriate message, invoke the Python script on your Windows machine. You can use the Boto3 SDK to send the output logs to CloudWatch logs.

answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago

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