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Internet gateway


My mumbai region doesn't show default internet gateway.

asked a year ago307 views
2 Answers


Does this mean that the internet gateway associated with the default VPC is not visible?
Do you have permissions set for the IAM user you are using to view the internet gateway?
The "DescribeInternetGateways" policy is required to display Internet gateways.

Have you deleted your default internet gateway?
Check the resource map from the VPC screen and check if the internet gateway is attached.
If an Internet gateway is attached, it will be displayed in "Network connections" as shown below.

profile picture
answered a year ago

When AWS creates an account, it provides several default networking components in a default VPC, one of these components is an Internet Gateway. If the default Internet Gateway is missing or has been deleted, you can simply recreate it and add it to the default VPC. If you want to restore the default VPC to its initial state, you can also delete the current default VPC and create a new one with all of the default components.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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