Why is my EBS volume unmounted from my EC2 instance at a certain moment?


I have an instance in EC2 where I have an EBS Volume associated with, but the problem is that en certain moment the volumen is detached to the instance, and i have to detach manually.

volumen disponible

asked 24 days ago91 views
1 Answer

The event where the EBS volume is detached from the EC2 instance will be captured in CloudTrail logs.

This knowledge document, although it focuses on describing attach/detach history of a single EBS volume, could be useful https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/list-attachments-history-ebs-volume

To help with troubleshooting you could create a metric filter and CloudWatch alarm which will notify you when a DetachVolume event occurs https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awscloudtrail/latest/userguide/cloudwatch-alarms-for-cloudtrail.html

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answered 24 days ago
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reviewed 24 days ago

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