S3: Configure object lock with replication (CRR) on aws s3 buckets


As per aws-docs, user can configure S3 object lock with replication. As mentioned in the link, there are two methods:

1. Enable Object Lock first
2. Set up replication first

I tried both the methods. However both of does not work via aws console.

For option 1, I created source and destination buckets. During bucket creation,  I enabled bucket lock on both buckets. When I checked option to setup replication rules, It prompts "Because object lock was enabled for this bucket, you must contact AWS support to enable replication". It does not give any option to configure replication rules.

For option 2, I created source and destination buckets. Then I enabled versioning on both and setup replication from source to destination bucket. When I checked option to setup object lock on source bucket, it prompts a message "Amazon S3 currently does not support enabling object lock after a bucket has been created. To enabled object lock for this bucket, contact AWS". It does not give any option to configure/ enable object lock on source bucket.

Can some one help in configuring object lock with replication on aws buckets.

asked 2 years ago3261 views
1 Answer

As per the requirements for S3 replication if the source bucket has S3 Object Lock enabled, the destination buckets must also have S3 Object Lock enabled. You can only enable Object Lock for new buckets. If you want to enable Object Lock for an existing bucket then you have to contact AWS Support. Hence you can either create a new destination bucket with object lock enabled or create a support case with AWS Support to enable object lock for an existing bucket.

Also I would like to inform you that to enable replication on a bucket that has Object Lock enabled you have to raise a support case with AWS Support to enable replication on object lock enabled buckets.

For more details refer to knowledge base article -> https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/replication.html

answered 2 years ago

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