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Opensearch integration with AWS v3 Javascript SDK with IAM role


Hi team, We are trying to use AWS v3 SDK apis, and have create iam user with providing him all the roles. Now we have created cron job to connect with OpenSearch as below:

const { OpenSearchClient } = require("@aws-sdk/client-opensearch");
const { awsAuthMiddleware } = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-signing");
const { fromStatic } = require("@aws-sdk/credential-provider-static");
const { AwsCredentialProvider } = require("@aws-sdk/types");

// Replace 'your-access-key-id' and 'your-secret-access-key' with your actual AWS access key and secret key
const accessKeyId = 'your-access-key-id';
const secretAccessKey = 'your-secret-access-key';

// Replace 'your-region' and 'your-open-search-endpoint' with your actual AWS region and OpenSearch endpoint
const region = 'your-region';
const openSearchEndpoint = 'https://your-open-search-endpoint';

// Create an instance of the OpenSearch client
const client = new OpenSearchClient({
  region: region,
  endpoint: openSearchEndpoint, // Specify the OpenSearch endpoint

// Create a credentials provider with your AWS access key and secret key
const credentialsProvider = fromStatic({
  accessKeyId: accessKeyId,
  secretAccessKey: secretAccessKey

// Attach the AWS Signature Version 4 signing middleware to the client
    credentials: credentialsProvider,
    signerService: 'es', // Specify the service name for Amazon OpenSearch Service
    region: region, // Replace with your AWS region

// Now you can use the client to make authenticated requests to OpenSearch
// Function to create an index
async function createIndex(indexName) {
    const command = new CreateIndexCommand({ IndexName: indexName });
    try {
        const response = await client.send(command);
        console.log(`Index "${indexName}" created successfully.`);
        return response;
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error creating index:", error);
        throw error;

// Function to insert a single document
async function insertDocument(indexName, document) {
    const command = new PutCommand({
        IndexName: indexName,
        Body: document
    try {
        const response = await client.send(command);
        console.log("Document inserted successfully:", response);
        return response;
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error inserting document:", error);
        throw error;

// Function to perform bulk insertion
async function bulkInsert(indexName, documents) {
    const commands = => ({
        create: { _index: indexName },

    const bulkCommandInput = new BulkCommandInput({
        body: commands

    const command = new BulkCommand(bulkCommandInput);

    try {
        const response = await client.send(command);
        console.log("Bulk insertion successful:", response);
        return response;
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error performing bulk insertion:", error);
        throw error;

Unfortunately we are getting errors: 1st Error 2: security_exception: [security_exception] Reason: no permissions for [indices:admin/create] and User [name=arn:aws:iam::939064200607:user/strapi-user, backend_roles=[], requestedTenant=null] Please suggest

  • Hi, I have submitted an answer to your question , I hope I have covered all sectors with issues and wish you a great day! Enjoy!

1 Answer

The error you're encountering indicates a permissions issue where the IAM user does not have the necessary rights to perform operations on Amazon OpenSearch (formerly Elasticsearch). The specific error message [indices:admin/create] suggests that the IAM user requires permissions to create indices in OpenSearch.

Here’s how you can resolve this issue:

  1. Review IAM Policy Ensure that the IAM user has an attached policy granting the necessary permissions for Amazon OpenSearch. Here is a basic example of an IAM policy that grants permissions to create indices and perform other essential actions: json

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "es:ESHttpGet", "es:ESHttpPut", "es:ESHttpPost", "es:ESHttpDelete", "es:ESHttpHead" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:es:your-region:your-account-id:domain/your-opensearch-domain-name/*" } ] } Note: Replace your-region, your-account-id, and your-opensearch-domain-name with your actual AWS region, AWS account ID, and OpenSearch domain name, respectively.

  1. Correct Service Name In your code, ensure that you're using the correct service name when setting up the signing middleware. Previously, you have used es as the signer service name, which corresponds to the older Elasticsearch service name. Since AWS moved to OpenSearch, you might need to adjust this if they update the service context (usually es is still correct, but it's worth confirming with current AWS documentation).

  2. Verify Endpoint and Credentials Double-check that the endpoint and credentials in your code are correctly configured. Make sure the endpoint URL is correctly formatted and accessible from the environment where the script runs.

  3. Role-Based Access Control in OpenSearch If you are using OpenSearch with fine-grained access control, you might need to assign the proper roles or permissions within the OpenSearch domain itself, apart from what's set in IAM. This could include configuring specific index-level permissions for the user or role.

  4. Test Connectivity and Permissions You can test the connectivity and permissions from your local machine or wherever you're running the script using tools like curl or Postman. Here’s an example curl command: bash

curl -XPUT -u "your-access-key-id:your-secret-access-key" "https://your-opensearch-endpoint/_index_name" Replace placeholders with your actual keys and endpoint. This can help verify that the endpoint is correct and the user has proper permissions.

  1. Logging and Debugging Add logging to your node application to capture AWS SDK responses or errors. This might provide additional insight into what might be going wrong.

  2. Consult AWS Documentation and Support If issues persist after checking these areas, consider consulting AWS documentation or contacting AWS support for more detailed guidance, especially if there might be new changes or updates that affect how IAM and OpenSearch interact.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the permission issues you're facing with your OpenSearch operations.

answered 7 months ago

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