Our Elastic IP Address not reachable for some addresses around the world.


Hi All, we have a Elastic Compute VM up and running a Real Estate web portal. The website is correctly working on the same server since 4 years with the same Elasitc IP Address.

We are experiencing since some week (maybe a month) some strange connectivity problem for which the Elastic IP Address is not reachable from some part of internet. We did not made any Network configuration change since a long while. We verified that the IP Address It is not reachable by some IP Address in T-mobile USA (New Jersey) and also from some Vodafone IT IP Address located in Italy. Can provide IP Addresses if requested.

The web connections done form such Addresses get timed out after a while. Investigating the problem we noticed that:

  • browser is not able to connect to the web site
  • A lot of other users connections normally work (also checking website logs )
  • Other Addresses in the same classes are to be able connect to the site (checked through web site logs)
  • DNS is correctl resolved
  • traceroute does not converge.
  • we have other Elastic IP Addresses in the same vpc that are correctly working and reachable by such Adresses.
  • we checked that such address are not blocked by the VM firewall nor by the AWS Netwrok Securty Rules

How can we fix this connectivity issue ? What is the way to make sure there is not roadblock on some routing issue over the internet ?

asked 21 days ago136 views
2 Answers

I suggest taking packet captures at all possible places, including client side (the one not able to connect), server side, and VM firewall at both sides, if that's an option. With that information, you should have more insights towards the source of the connectivity problem. Verify that there is TCP three-way handshake connectivity and from there you can continue with other HTTP application layer, if applicable.

profile pictureAWS
answered 21 days ago
  • Hi @ftresfre devices not able to connect are from common visitors around the world that from one day to another stop working and they send mail asking for a solution. The issue apply on web site visitors PC/Macs we cannot work/debug on their desktops... The only debugging possible was on 1 of our paying customers that is having the same problelem and spent some time sharing their screen to run simple commands


I strongly recommend raising a case with the support team so that they can investigate why your EIP isn't reachable from some network locations. The internet is a vast collection of networks that are owned and operated by different parties. Routes, network paths, security policies, agreements between peering partners and network availability change all the time on a second-by-second basis. The support team can work with you and try and work with external parties to resolve this.

profile pictureAWS
answered 20 days ago
profile picture
reviewed 19 days ago

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