ACM SSL certification validation email not being delivered


We've tried multiple times for the two regions but have not received the validation email on web*aster or other IDs for our organization. Checked that the MX record exists in the system. On console each time we see the msg: "Successfully resent validation emails for certificate with ID ...2793."

Checked all folders, spam, quarantine etc. but no email received. We do not want to move to DNS validation method at this time so need assistance on how to resolve this.

asked 14 days ago56 views
1 Answer

It's strongly advised not to use email validation for ACM-issued public certificates. You should choose the DNS validation method and add the CNAME record(s) that ACM generates in the corresponding public DNS zone. It's explained in more detail in documentation:

In addition to eliminating all complexities and ambiguities related to email delivery, DNS validation also allows ACM to keep renewing the certificate automatically, without human effort or risk of renewal being missed, for as long as the certificate is associated with some AWS resource and the relevant CNAME record(s) remaining in the public DNS zone.

Email validation is still technically available and supported, and it's reasonably certain that ACM is sending the emails. Delivery failures can be caused by countless different issues, and troubleshooting methods vary heavily by the target email system. In general terms, I'd suggest checking the email trace logs of your email platform if the email arrived, or asking your service provider to do that for you. Since you checked your spam and other folders, it's quite possible that the email platform rejected or redirected the email for some reason.

There are some general troubleshooting tips regarding email validation also in this documentation article:

answered 13 days ago
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reviewed 13 days ago

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