Using Product Advertising API to Convert FNSKU to ASIN



Though not directly in the PA-API documentation, I understand this is possible:

I would like to be able to submit an FNSKU and quickly get the associated ASIN. The trick would be the FNSKU would not already be in our inventory, it would be analyzed through the API and return the ASIN from there.

Anyone have any experience with this?

2 Answers

The Amazon Product Advertising API (PA-API) is primarily designed for affiliate marketers to fetch detailed product information, retrieve customer reviews, and other features that help promote Amazon products on affiliate websites.

Here is re Post AWS for the Amazon Web Services forum. You are asking about service, which is e-commerce, and unfortunately, the answer to your question won't be here because I believe no one here related to PA-API documentation.

Maybe you can find your answer on or Google or contact Amazon Associates Customer Service via

profile picture
answered a year ago

I have a service to change an FNSKU to Asin. if you are interested contact me at I will register an account for you and you get free scans to test it.

answered a year ago

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