I can't create Lambda Function


I tried to create Lambda Function such as this picture. Create Lambda Function

If I clicked [Create Button] , AWS stopped processing after loading for about 10 seconds. I clicked [Create Button] again, AWS stuck on loading screen.

As another problem, the function list screen shows a blank error display and an unnatural update date and time. Lambda Function List

Thank you for resolving this problem

asked 2 years ago286 views
1 Answer

Is the time/date on your computer/laptop correct? Having the time slightly out of sync (i.e. in the future or in the past) can cause odd errors like this.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • I checked the time, but there was no deviation. Also, I checked on a total of 3 PCs, but the same problem was confirmed.

  • Next thing is to check the developer console in your browser and see what errors are being thrown then troubleshoot from there. You might also raise a case with our support team to help troubleshoot.

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