Convert Red Hat .iso to AMI


Good day, all. I am attempting to convert a Red Hat 8.2 .iso file or VM to an AMI. I've looked around the Internet and have yet to find anything that specifically targets RHEL iso files or VMs. I would greatly appreciate a kick in the right direction. Thank you all.

1 Answer

Hello erikschott,

I believe you need to first import the RHEL iso and create a new virtual machine through an open source virtualization software such as VirtualBox, then export the VM as an ova image. Afterwards you can simply import that image into S3 where it will be converted into an ami. There are extra steps to keep in mind during this process, but the below information will have that covered.

For additional details/steps, here is a useful guide for accomplishing this process in full:

Of course, here is also a link to an official AWS doc on importing VM images into S3 for additional clarity if needed:

Hope that helps!

answered 3 years ago

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