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Billing for two Free-tier EC2 instances


Hi, I understand that for EC2 instances, you get 12 months of 750 hours per month for free-tier EC2 instances. I'm wondering that if I have two running EC2 instances, how will I be billed? I looked at the billing calculator and tried calculating for an EC2 t2.micro instance but there are many billing options that appeared that were a little confusing. If I have two EC2 instances running, which would be about ~1400 hours per month, how would I be billed? Is it the On-demand payment option? How do I know which payment option I am on?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

You will be billed for On-Demand spend for both instances. Because you have Free Tier credit available, the first 750 hours will be covered under the Free Tier and any excess will be billed at the on-demand rate.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 7 months ago
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reviewed a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

you will be billed for one of the EC2, on ON-DEMAND, except your reserved it.

answered a year ago

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