"Unable to satisfy 100% MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent requirement"


Hi there,
I am new to AWS.
Can someone please assist me in setting up an AWS parallele cluster, using spot instances and SGE.
I keep getting the following error and I have no idea why:
"Cluster creation failed. Failed events:

  • AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup ComputeFleet Received 0 SUCCESS signal(s) out of 4. Unable to satisfy 100% MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent requirement"

Am I missing something in the config file?

Thanks in advance,

asked 5 years ago3332 views
1 Answer

can you please post the following information:

  • AWS ParallelCluster / CfnCluster version [e.g. aws-parallelcluster-2.4.1]
  • OS: [e.g. alinux]
  • Scheduler: [e.g. SGE]
  • Master instance type: [e.g. m5.xlarge]
  • Compute instance type: [e.g. c5.8xlarge]

How to reproduce:
A clear and concise description of the steps to reproduce the behavior.

Additional context:
Any other context about the problem. E.g.:

  • configuration file without any credentials or personal data.
  • pre/post-install scripts, if any
  • screenshots, if useful
  • if the cluster fails creation, please re-execute create action using --norollback option and attach /var/log/cfn-init.log, /var/log/cloud-init.log and /var/log/cloud-init-output.log files from the Master node
  • if a compute node was terminated due to failure, there will be a directory /home/logs/compute. Attach one of the instance-id.tar.gz from that directory
  • if you encounter scaling problems please attach /var/log/nodewatcher from the Compute node and /var/log/jobwatcher and /var/log/sqswatcher from the Master node


answered 5 years ago

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