Turn off logging for RDS Proxy


Hello, how can the logging of RDS Proxy be turned off or at least set to ERROR level instead of INFO? My RDS Proxy spams my CloudWatch with connecting and disconnecting INFO messages that are not relevant for me. My CloudWatch costs are up just because of these logs. I don't have "Enhanced logging" turned on and never had. I also set the log_connect log_disconnect of my RDS Postgres instance to false but that didn't change anything. It seems like this feature is missing in the settings of RDS proxy, as its also not documented anywhere.

asked 10 months ago768 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hello, unfortunately there isn't a setting within RDS Proxy itself to change the log level or turn off logging. However, a few options you could try:

You can configure log exports on the underlying database instance (Postgres in your case) to send fewer log types to CloudWatch Logs. This would reduce the volume of logs without disabling them completely.

If you have enabled enhanced logging on the proxy, you could turn this off. Enhanced logging provides more detailed information but with additional overhead.

As a last resort, you could filter the log events in CloudWatch Logs to exclude the specific info-level messages that are generating the most costs for you. This would keep some logging enabled while removing the high-volume messages.


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answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

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