SES: Most complaints come from Hotmail


Hello, As daily user of SES, we recently witnessed an increase of complaints. We took actions and implemented mechanisms to reduce this phenomenon, but we keep on looking for ways to avoid complaints as much as possible.

And we noticed something strange: 95% of complaints come from or email addresses. Would there be anything known on your side about this?

I found a post on the AWS forum about this trend, confirmed by a few other users:

We are only looking for ways to improve our sending methods to comply with SES requirements the best we can.

Best regards, The Beesbusy Team.

asked 3 years ago1532 views
2 Answers

I am having a similar issue, where all my email are going to spam/junk folder for, I will share here in case it can help.

I found that my emails sent from SES to outlook/hotmail were always sent to spam/junk folder, the main reason was that I am using configure set tracking open and clicks, where the email body has the link.

I did a test removing the configure set tracking open and clicks, then, when the email doesn't have the, the emails were sent to the other tab in hotmail, not send to spam/junk folder.

So, it is not a conclusion yet, but seems that emails that are sent with the track (, they are tagged as spam from outlook/hotmail.

In my case, I disabled the track open/click config set when the destination is outlook/hotmail.

answered 2 years ago

Hello Beesbusy Team!

When you create an SES account, emails are sent from IP addresses shared with other SES users. There are some benefits to leasing dedicated IP addresses exclusively for your use. This option is good for predictable, continuous, high-volume senders offering full control over sender reputation ( There is an additional monthly cost for dedicated IPs (

Smart Network Data Services, offered through the CloudWatch console is an Outlook program used by IP owners to prevent spam. This is provided to Amazon SES customers who lease dedicated IPs ( and covers domains such as, and

Best practice is to monitor your sender reputation, which it sounds like you already do. There are a host of reputation metrics available in the AWS Console ( along with the ability to create monitoring alarms using CloudWatch ( to keep you on top of your reputation status.

Finally, check out this section of AWS documentation for various methods of authentication to prevent email spoofing and spamming (

answered 3 years ago

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