Use Amazon Connect multy party calls to record a call


Hello, I'm using Amazon Connect to receive inbound calls. Now, I'd like to transfer a call to an external number and record the call. Documentation specifically says this is not possible. I also saw that you can create a conference with 3 people. I'd like to use this option to simulate the call transfer and record the call: the idea is that the call will have 2 agents + 1 customer. One "false" agent only for recording, One real agent speaking to the customer. Is this possible?

asked 3 months ago255 views
2 Answers


Set Up the Recording Agent: This will be a "dummy" agent whose role is only to be part of the call to facilitate recording.

Create the Contact Flow: You need to create a contact flow in Amazon Connect that will initiate the conference call and ensure the recording is enabled for this call.

Add a Task to Invite the Recording Agent: Use the Invoke AWS Lambda function block to create a task that invites the recording agent to join the call.

Conference Call Setup: Configure your contact flow to set up a three-party conference call, including the actual agent, the customer, and the recording agent.

Here are the steps in detail:

Step 1: Set Up the Recording Agent

Create an agent in Amazon Connect solely for the purpose of recording calls.

Ensure this agent has the necessary permissions and is always available to join calls.

Step 2: Create the Contact Flow

Go to the Amazon Connect dashboard and create a new contact flow.

In the contact flow, set up the initial blocks to handle the inbound call, including a Set Recording block to ensure that calls are recorded.

Step 3: Add a Task to Invite the Recording Agent

Use the Invoke AWS Lambda function block to create a Lambda function that will handle the logic of inviting the recording agent.

The Lambda function should use the Amazon Connect API to invite the recording agent to the call.

Step 4: Configure the Conference Call

Once the recording agent is invited, use the Transfer to Phone Number block to add the external number (the actual agent) to the conference call.

Configure the Conference Call settings to ensure all parties (customer, recording agent, and actual agent) are included in the call.

Here is a simplified version of what the contact flow might look like:

Entry Point: Customer calls in.

Set Recording: Enable call recording.

Invoke Lambda Function: Add the recording agent to the call.

Transfer to Phone Number: Add the external number (actual agent) to the call.

Conference Call: Merge the customer, recording agent, and actual agent into a three-party call.

import json
import boto3

connect_client = boto3.client('connect')

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    instance_id = 'your-connect-instance-id'
    contact_id = event['Details']['ContactData']['ContactId']
    recording_agent_phone = '+1234567890'  # Recording agent's phone number

        response = connect_client.start_outbound_voice_contact(
            ContactFlowId='your-contact-flow-id',  # Contact flow for the recording agent
                'contact_id': contact_id
        return {
            'statusCode': 200,
            'body': json.dumps('Successfully added recording agent to call')
    except Exception as e:
        return {
            'statusCode': 500,
            'body': json.dumps(f'Error adding recording agent to call: {str(e)}')

answered 3 months ago

You can do this with a custom CCP using streams, where the desktop automatically conferences in the external number. Another option would be to move this call to Chime SDK, personally I think this would be the easier path. This is not the blog post I was thinking about, but I think it’s a good start


profile picture
answered 3 months ago

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