What can cause an AWS EC running Windows Server 2019 to suddenly reboot and be removed from the domain?


I was attempting to back up my D drive to an S3 Bucket. However, I encountered an issue with connecting to the bucket. I realised that I needed to install a module. When I ran the command below in PowerShell, my server suddenly rebooted and was removed from the domain. It wasn't until later that I realised the computer name had been changed, and my instance was removed from the domain. And now, I need to understand if anyone has faced a similar situation and the reason for that.

Install-Module -Name AWS.Tools.S3 -Force -Scope CurrentUser
asked 3 days ago35 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hello Hainadine,

Windows Event Log Analysis would tell you why the system got rebooted. It could be a coincidence situation. Use this blog post, analyze the logs, and find out the root cause of the reboot: How do I find out why my Amazon EC2 Windows instance shut down or rebooted unexpectedly?

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answered 3 days ago
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reviewed 3 days ago

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