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How long does it take for AWS tech support team to respond to a "system impaired" issue?


Hi all,

I have raised a ticket for multiple issues we've been having with SageMaker lately, the ticket was created more than 36 hours ago, and I have not had any response, in fact the ticket hasn't even been assigned yet.

The case ID is 10300240931.

I thought AWS guarantee a response under 12 hours for "system impaired" issues, does anyone know what I can do to accelerate this?

thank you! Ruoy

asked 2 years ago491 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi Ruoy! My advice here is to scale this issue via your account team, they will have the mechanisms to scale this concern. If you are on basic or developer support, you could look into upgrading to business support for a day and open a live chat with support! Hope this helps

answered 2 years ago

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