SES's suppression list misses many bounces that otherwise get emailed to me via Email Feedback Forwarding. Do I need to worry about these? It would be nice if there was an option to catch these extras


I noticed that Amazon SES's suppression list misses many bounces that otherwise get emailed to me via SES -> Verified identities -> notifications -> Email feedback forwarding. For example, I get 30 email notifications, but only 20 emails get added to the suppression list.

Do I need to worry about these extra "missed bounces"? I'm saving the email notifications from them for now. Is there some way for me to process those into a block list?

Also, contrary to google's bounce notification emails, SES's give very little detail about why the email bounced.

Amazon's docs aren't very good and don't mention soft bounces, so I'm wondering if soft bounces are excluded from the suppression list. If so, it would be nice to have an option to include them.

2 Answers

Soft bounces are temporary, they can be resolved by attempting to re-deliver the mail after a delay. An example might be a full mailbox, the user may empty the mailbox and then the bounce will go away. (

Hard bounces are permanent and should be suppressed, they should not be re-attempted.

Assuming the "missed bounces" are soft, it should be fine. I don't believe soft bounces can be included in suppression lists automatically today.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

Thanks Chris. Is the "send feedback" option on the "suppression list" page the best way for me to request that soft bounces be optionally included?

If I am using a webhook to report bounces to a 3rd party client (IE, soft bounces won't be recorded there either?

Also, I think I verified that the issue is not simply soft bounces being excluded. Here's some examples of emails that should be hard bounces that are not getting included:

example@ufl.edi (should be .edu).

UPDATE: I confirmed that when using a webhook, SES will send all the "extra" bounces there. So example@ufl.edi gets blocked by my 3rd party app, but doesn't get registered on SES's suppression list. Same for soft bounces.

Basically, SES reports soft bounces & domain errors via email notifications and webhooks, but only logs hard bounces on their suppression list.

answered 2 years ago

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