Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender


Hi, When we send from amazon workmail then we got bellow bounce message. our SES mail sending limits 200 in 24 hours. " You are currently not allowed to send this e-mail. Please try again later.

2022-02-04 01:56:24 : An error occurred while trying to deliver the mail to the following recipients: name@domain.com

Technical report:

Final-Recipient: rfc822; name@domain.com "

5 Answers


I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing problems with sending mails via WorkMail. From the error message it looks like you're sending email via SES and not via the WorkMail end-points.

Can you share what end-point you're using to send an email?

Kind regards, Robin

answered 3 years ago

I am using amazon workmail US East (N. Virginia) domain itagama.com and aws workmail client

answered 3 years ago

Hi! Did you find a solution to this?

answered 3 years ago

Hi! Did you find a solution to this?

answered 2 years ago

Hi, I am having the same issue with my WorkMail account, Can you please share the solution or help me fix this issue?

Error: " You are currently not allowed to send this e-mail. Please try again later.

2022-08-15 09:15:30 : An error occurred while trying to deliver the mail to the following recipients: name@domain.com

Technical report:

Final-Recipient: rfc822; name@domain.com "

I am using WorkMail Europe (Ireland) - eu-west-1

answered 2 years ago

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