Dynamodb local 2.2.0 Bug: Segments


Hey there! I'm noticing what appears to be a bug with dynamodb local 2.2.0.

In our code, we supply TotalSegments and Segment for a parallel Scan against some table A. Our unit tests would provide TotalSegments: 1, and Segment: 0 against local DynamoDB. In previous versions of local, this would successfully return items from A, but with 2.2.0 nothing is returned.

Documentation for local scan makes it appear that results are still expected, so is this then a bug introduced by 2.2.0?


  • The version 2.2.1 addresses this change in functionality, released 2024-01-04

asked 9 months ago320 views
1 Answer

Thank you for highlighting this matter. I've promptly informed our DynamoDB Local team about the recent shift in functionality.

Rest assured, we are actively investigating this issue. Your patience is highly appreciated, and I will personally ensure that you are promptly updated as soon as the issue is resolved.


This issue has been resolved in version 2.2.1, please upgrade to this or a later version.

profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago

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