How to migrate DB on premise Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server DB in AWS. We see SCT will not allow MS SQL Server as Target when source is Oracle. Looking for tools like SCT to move Schema from Oracle.


How to migrate DB on premise Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server DB in AWS. We see SCT will not allow MS SQL Server as Target when source is Oracle. Looking for tools like SCT to move Schema from Oracle.

We see SCT is useful to move Source Schema (Eg: Oracle ) to Target Schema DB (Eg: Aurora Postgres) and other limited DB combinations. Now requirement is to migrate from On-premise Oracle to MS SQL Server in AWS Cloud. Please let me know if anyone has worked on this task.

2 Answers

Hello ,

AWS allows you to migrate your data to and from most widely used commercial and open-source databases such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Aurora, MariaDB, and MySQL.

AWS supports:

  1. homogeneous migrations such as Oracle to Oracle, and also
  2. heterogeneous migrations between different database platforms, such as:
  • Oracle to MySQL or
  • MySQL to Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition.

AWS schema tool SCT (Schema Conversion Tool) doesn’t allow yet a direct schema conversion :

  • From Oracle Database
  • To RDS - SQL Server

Microsoft on its side, has an equivalent tool for database migration which name is DSCT - Microsoft Database Schema Conversion Toolkit.

As Microsoft tool DSCT is free (AWS SCT is also free), you can use the following workaround/tips:

  1. If the target of database of the schema conversion is SQL Server, any schema generated compatible with SQL Server will work whatever the tools you have used to generate the schema (AWS SCT, or Microsoft DSCT)

  2. As AWS doesn't support this kind of schema conversion (Oracle to SQL Server) with AWS SCT, you can use the Microsoft tool DSCT to generate the SQL Server schema. (Microsoft tool DSCT is included in the freeware SSMA - which stands for SQL Server Migration Assistant).

  3. Once the schema is converted from Oracle to SQL Server using Microsoft tool’s DSCT, review the generated T-SQL code, test it and validate it.

Afterwards this schema conversion step, you can continue with AWS database migration methodology by integrating the converted schema in AWS migration steps’.

answered 2 years ago


For Oracle to SQL Server migration you can use Microsoft's own "SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle":

answered 2 years ago

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