Error, AWS Step Function DynamoDB Put Item, Map and List inside Map


Hello, I'm having troubles inserting an item in DynamoDB with this Structure from Step Functions.

                "M":{ }
                "M":{ }
                "M":{ }
                "L":[ ]
                "L":[ ]

This is the statement that I am trying to make it work without success

    "DynamoDB Save Item":{

I'm getting this error

The Parameters "{A lot of data flow} "could not be used to start the Task: [The field \"foo\" is not supported by Step Functions]"

This "foo" field, has nothing to do, if make changes to the Parameters: map_param1 statement in Step Function works example This works ok


And This works ok too


But not this (the combination)


Can someone help me?
thanks a lot

asked 3 years ago1174 views
1 Answer

Your exact definition worked for me with the following input:

  "TableName": "Table",
  "id": "id",
  "timestamp": "timestamp",
  "var_for_map_params": "var_for_map_params",
  "List_1": [
  "List_2": [

Maybe something with the payload itself. Can you share the input?

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

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