My ip address for ec2 instance and vmware esxi cannot be reached?


I'm trying to set up file share gateway and so my first step is to create and activate a gateway. When I give ip address it keeps giving error "this site cannot be reached" <ip-address> refused to connect. I've tried using EC2 instance as well as a vm and and both give the same error. What can I do to fix this?

1 Answer

Hi, please check if you are able to connect to the gateway VM/EC2 IP address on port 80 from your workstation where you are trying to activate the gateway. For gateway EC2 instance, please check whether its security group rule allows ingress port 80 from your workstation client IP address. Port 80 is needed only for activation, you can remove the rule after the activation is completed. Alternative method to activate is, to fetch the activation key from the gateway VM/EC2 local console, using option 0: Get Activation Key and provide that during the activation wizard.

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answered 2 years ago

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