Using two RDS dbs as proxy and main or not?


Hello to everyone, i have a small application that requires low to medium amount of traffic and i need to create a proxy database for the main rds instance.

Having budget limitations, i wanted to know if it was feasible to configure two standard rds instances as proxy and private main or if it was just better to swallow the pill and create a rds proxy.

The first scenario is a more straightforward approach, without the added complexity of a proxy layer, not to mention a much cheaper solution; nonetheless i am aware that requires more work to configure properly than creating a Rds Proxy.

Thanks for your time and have a good day.


2 Answers
Accepted Answer


For low to medium traffic and budget constraints, using two RDS instances might be a viable option. However, carefully evaluate the trade-offs and consider potential future growth.

If you prioritize performance, security, and reduced management overhead, RDS Proxy is a strong contender, for higher traffic, better performance, and less management, use RDS Proxy.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

Thank you Narravula for your reply, it told me what i needed to know.

answered 2 months ago

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