How do I get Amazon Redshift session details


I am using Amazon Redshift database, version is PostgreSQL 8.0.2.
I am implementing a functionality which needs to get all session details.

In PostgreSQL, running the query SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity provides the necessary session details. Redshift also offers session details using the same query, but the current_query column shows <command string not found>. Upon investigating the issue, I discovered that enabling stats_command_string is necessary. However, attempting to set this parameter results in the following error: Amazon Invalid operation: permission denied to set parameter 'stats_command_string' to 'true', even though I'm logged in as an admin user.

Is there a way to access the Redshift session details without encountering these restrictions? I came across a similar stv_sessions view, but it lacks the query column.

It would be really helpful to get the session details similar to PostgreSQL.

2 Answers

Please check my suggestion below:

In Amazon Redshift, certain system tables and views provide session-related information, but the level of detail might not be the same as in PostgreSQL. The behavior you're encountering with the pg_stat_activity query is due to the differences between Redshift and PostgreSQL. Amazon Redshift is optimized for analytical workloads and has its own inter_nal architecture that diverges from PostgreSQL in various ways.

I believe Amazon Redshift doesn't expose the current_query column in the same way that PostgreSQL does, and you're correct that stats_command_string is not a parameter that you can modify in Redshift.

If you want to get session details in Amazon Redshift, you can consider using the stl_wlm_query system table and the stl_connection_log system table, which might provide some useful information about active and historical queries. However, these tables might not provide the exact same level of detail that you're used to in PostgreSQL's pg_stat_activity.

Here's a query that you could use to retrieve session details from Redshift's stl_wlm_query table:

FROM stl_wlm_query;

Please note that Amazon Redshift's features and behavior might have evolved since my last update, so I recommend referring to the latest Amazon Redshift documentation or AWS forums for the most accurate and up-to-date information on querying session details in Redshift.

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answered a year ago
  • Indeed, one can utilize stl_wlm_query and stl_query to acquire the past records of executed queries. However, my intention is to obtain the current session information, akin to what pg_stat_activity offers. It appears that achieving a comparable outcome in Redshift, as seen in PostgreSQL, is not possible. Instead, in Redshift, the stv_sessions view furnishes the necessary insights into active sessions particulars without query details.


Amazon Redshift is based on PostgreSQL, but it has been heavily modified by Amazon to support distributed processing and other features. As a result, not all PostgreSQL features and system views are available or behave the same way in Redshift.

In Redshift, the pg_stat_activity view does not provide the current query being executed by each session, as you've noticed. The stats_command_string parameter is also not modifiable in Redshift, which is why you're seeing the permission denied error.

However, you can get session details from a combination of system views. Here's how you can retrieve session details in Redshift:

stv_sessions: This view provides information about user sessions. It includes user ID, start time, and other session-related details.

stv_recents: This view provides information about the most recent queries that have been run. It includes the query string, the user who ran it, and other query-related details.

To get session details similar to pg_stat_activity, you can join these views. Here's a sample query:

    stv_sessions s
    stv_recents r ON =
    r.query NOT LIKE 'COMMIT'
    r.query NOT LIKE 'BEGIN';

This query will give you the session ID (pid), the user name, the session start time, the most recent query executed by that session, and the status of that query.

Note: The stv_recents view only shows the most recent queries, so if a session has been idle for a while, its most recent query might not appear in this view. Also, the stv_recents view includes BEGIN and COMMIT statements, which you might want to filter out, as shown in the sample query above.

I hope this helps you get the session details you need from Redshift!

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answered a year ago
  • The process PID in the stv_recents view is always -1 for completed queries. So, I'm considering using the stv_inflight view, which provides information about currently running queries on the cluster. By combining the data from stv_inflight with that from stv_sessions, I aim to acquire comprehensive query details for the active queries, along with additional session-related information available through the stv_sessions view.

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